by Sam Goldsmith | Compare Life Insurance, Life Insurance Reviews, Uncategorized
NYLAARP life insurance might not be best for you. Now, I am not saying that AARP is bad nor the insurance company that sells the insurance for AARP, which is New York Life, but the insurance they call NYLAARP offers one-size-fits-all, overpriced,...
by Sam Goldsmith | Compare Life Insurance, Life Insurance Reviews, Uncategorized
Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with Prime America AKAPrimerica. This article is our review of Primerica and their Life Insurance Products. Prime America is the name people use sometimes for the company Primerica, also referred to as Prime America. Do...
by Sam Goldsmith | Life Insurance Education, Uncategorized
Raising a child can be one of the most rewarding experiences but also a very expensive experience. It’s difficult to think about but if you passed away, would your spouse have the means to provide for your family long term? All families need life insurance regardless...
by Sam Goldsmith | Life Insurance Education, Uncategorized
When searching for life insurance the first question you probably ask yourself is “what type of life insurance policy is perfect for me?” Let’s look at one type of life insurance called variable life insurance. There are a variety of different types of life insurance....
by Sam Goldsmith | Life Insurance Education, Uncategorized
We understand how important it is to you to manage a big purchase like life insurance while making sure you’re getting the best price. After all, if your monthly premium varies even by just a few dollars, that can add up to thousands of dollars over the course of your...
by Sam Goldsmith | Life Insurance Education, Uncategorized
Believe it or not, life insurance companies are interested in your digits. No, not just those numbers. We’re talking about your height and weight. Life insurance providers consider your Body Mass Index (BMI) when deciding whether to accept an application. Not only...
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